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Yoga for Everyone
Laughter Yoga

about us
Yoga for Everyone
Come! Let's stay healthy and do Yoga with us every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the Month from 8am to 9am. Limited spots are available due to Social Distancing Guidelines. Kindly RSVP at least 2 days before event dates with Sister Yin @
019 666 8368.
Laughter Yoga
Kataria, a physician from Mumbai, India, is the founder of and chief proselytizer for Laughter Yoga, a movement that since 1995 has spawned 5,000 laughter clubs—in which people meet regularly just to laugh—worldwide. Contact Bro Hoh at 012 283 6809 to confirm your attendance
8am - Yoga for Everyone
9:30am - Laughter Yoga
Sister Yin
019 666 8368
Bro Hoh
012 283 6809
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